11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

looking back on 2010, i feel incredibly blessed and encouraged. i got to work a TON, meeting some amazing babies, bellies, couples and families along the way. a sincere THANK YOU to everyone who entrusted a memory, a moment, to me this past year. i am endebted to you and your trust. special thanks to liz & merrill and jamie & adam for being amazing brides & grooms this past summer!!!! love you all! :)))
as i look ahead to 2011, i am excited beyond words to take HOLLYHOWEphotography (and in fact, HOLLY HOWE!) to the next level. here are my 2011 goals:
1 - developing and launching a new logo
2 - further enhancing my 'brand' and the experience i offer my clients
3 - launching a new blog & website
4 - reading more and getting even more acquainted with my camera and gear
5 - renovating my home 'office', making it inviting as a meeting spot for clients and just making it inviting for me to come to work everyday. ;)
6 - investing in a macro lens
7 - investigating the offering of prints to my clients (currently i give clients their images on a DVD)
8 - getting healthy (and eeeeeeesh, take a look at that pic up there. can you say TIRED??!!! 'getting healthy' will mean REGULAR exercise, drinking lots of WATER, eating right/using portion control and going to bed NO LATER than 10PM. i LOVE what i do so going to bed at a half decent hour will be a challenge for me. i'm also a 'nighthawk' by nature so i do my best work in the 2nd half of the day. we'll see how this goes..... no, we KNOW how this will go. it's gotta get better.) :)
9 - spending more time with my kids individually...realizing the treasures they are and what makes them tick! :)
10 - spending more time with joe. ....and not just sitting in front of the TV or on our prospective laptops in front of the TV. actually have that 'date night' every week that we've been talking about doing! yeah. we need that! :)
11 - spending more time with the One who created me. this goes on my list every year, but when you get busy (which i will call myself INDEFINITELY), a daily quiet time is the first thing to go. but i can't function without this last and most important goal. i need to 'be still and know that He is God'. i need to be reminded of the treasure that i am in Christ - that i was bought and paid for at a great price. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.) thus the reason for #8! i want to honour God in everything i say and do, so that my life may be a reflection of Him.
so yeah. i think that's it. we'll call it '11 for 2011'. pretty lofty set of goals, i think - both professionally and personally. but i know i can do it! :)
what are YOUR goals for this new year?! do share!
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