Yep, you read that right. It’s HOLLYHOWEphotography (caps for my name, no spaces) and I am a natural light portrait & wedding photographer in Moncton, New Brunswick.

I love what I do. I’m obsessed with belly laughs, amazing light (golden hour, anyone?) and a quality cup of joe. So thrilled you’re here and checking out my work!

If you like what you see, please email holly@howes.ca or DM me on any of the socials!

Have a fabulous day!


Photo by Molly Ilse Photography
Makeup by Belle by Joëlle

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

we remember.

have you ever been driving down the road and a song comes on the radio, and you're like, "....whoa. God. i really needed this right now. thank You..." this was me, just a few minutes ago. i had to rush in (get the kids settled first) and share this with you.

even in the midst of a hectic pace of life, no matter what space i find myself in.... the challenge is to remember Jesus everyday... to remember to thank Him for this life, to carve out time in my day to pray and read His Word. to remember to delight in Him and remember all that He has done for me.....

anyhoo...just a bit of inspiration for the day -- some NEWSBOYS goodness! :D

how could we forget
when You touched the earth on that starry night
angels sang glory to God on high
we remember

how could we forget
the moment the water became wine
stories of men leaving all behind
we remember

the story burns upon our hearts
a beautiful and binding scar
forever we will
forever we will think of You

we remember
we remember You, oh Lord
we remember
we remember You, oh Lord

how could we forget
there in the garden You cried for it
the city that cursed You and turned You in
we remember

how could we forget
death has no power and we are free
the good thought of us there on calvary
we remember

the story burns upon our hearts
a beautiful and binding scar
forever we will, forever we will think of You
oh think of You

we remember
we remember You, oh Lord
we remember
We remember You, oh Lord

oh, the things that You have done
and great things You've yet to do
oh, Jesus, we remember You

how could we forget
the moment Your love rolled the stone away
our hearts were opened our lives were changed
we remember

how we could forget
the promise of hope and that trumpet sound
we'll see Your glory roll back the clouds
we remember

we remember You, oh Lord
we remember You our King
we remember You the Son of God
Who came to set us free

how could we forget
when You touched the earth on that starry night
angels sang glory to God on high?

experiencing a bit of difficulty posting the latest session. :( hoping to get the kinks worked out soon so you can see 'the guptills'. so fun...and SNOWY! ;)

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