Yep, you read that right. It’s HOLLYHOWEphotography (caps for my name, no spaces) and I am a natural light portrait & wedding photographer in Moncton, New Brunswick.

I love what I do. I’m obsessed with belly laughs, amazing light (golden hour, anyone?) and a quality cup of joe. So thrilled you’re here and checking out my work!

If you like what you see, please email holly@howes.ca or DM me on any of the socials!

Have a fabulous day!


Photo by Molly Ilse Photography
Makeup by Belle by Joëlle

Thursday, March 11, 2010

on a mission!

ack!!!! has it really been since feb 26th that i last posted on my blog??!?!?! ack!!! i'm losing it!!! i sucketh! ;) so sorry... i DO (finally!) have jonah's full post ready to upload...i'll do that later tonight... and working away on jacob's photos. they're comin', folks. bear with me. march break happened and then josiah & i came down with the flu...

in the meantime... :) while you wait for those... LET'S ALL PETITION CANON TO BRING BACK THIS MIGHTY FINE TRAVEL MUG. :) don't you just think this is FAB?!?!?!?! oh, i soooooo want one but they were a 'LIMITED EDITION' kind of thing. i heard a friend say too, that they gave them away to journalists & photographers at the olympics. well!!! ;) gotta make some for the rest of us, i say!!! ;)

i'll just drool away. for now.

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