well, today... my daughter has made plans. :) she has set up a corner in our living room with books & colouring books & markers and craft supplies and whatever else... some comfy pillows, etc... you get the idea. and she informed joe & i a few days ago that she's invited some girls over for her 'club' on friday (which is today). she wants to "bake some cookies, jump on my bed, get some 'exercise' (on our treadmill downstairs, i think!) and just have fun! okay, mama?!!" "o-kaaaaaaay. are you ready to help clean up the playrooom and get things ready for company?!" "yep."
so she did.
i have good kids. yes, i do. annnnnnd a bit of a party-planner! ha!

and since it's feelin' like a 'girly' kind of day, i thought i'd share some pics from valentine's day. i don't think i posted these, no?!

and the little man...

maybe we'll make cupcakes this afternoon. what do you think??! any 'no fail' recipes out there??! :)))
*update! the 'club' was a hit! we'll be doing it again for sure...although they don't take minutes at this thing, and there's no secretary or treasurer... robyn's the president. that's all i know. ;)
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