my kids got to enjoy the first ever 'trunk or treat' at our church this afternoon! it was a community-wide event, where people would decorate the trunks of their cars and the kids would go 'trunk or treating'! ha! such a blast!!!! we did this in lieu of going door to door around the neighborhood. it was daylight (from 2-4) and wasn't going to keep kids up late at night. plus, it was fun & safe for the whole family! LOVED it!!! thanks so much, hillside!!! reason #1,001 why i love my church! :)))
oh, meet 'the zebra' (aka josiah), 'the bee' (aka jacob) and 'the kangaroo' (aka robyn). the guy on the left ('major')...he's not bad. ;)

so long, october! you've been good to me!!! many, MANY more posts of sessions & life comin' right on up! woooooohooooo!!!!