truth is... july's never happened. well...i shouldn't say that. we spent lots of time together as a family. but there was a lot going on as well. i was in the thick of wedding season... joe had to travel quite a bit, so we tagged along on a few trips... PLUS (and this is big...) july was HOTTTTTTTTTTTT. and it was tough getting anything done with the kids around and them wanting to go somewhere to cool off (most of the time, the pool at the farm...which we are VERY thankful for). we spent lots of time together as a family...but never got around to the actual 5x12.
august. we did better. i took some portraits of my sister & her family while on vacation up in fredericton...and i got my BIL, stephen, to take a picture for us! actually, SEVERAL pictures...for which i/we are very thankful! love ya, steve-oh! xo!
...and september (because let's face's september 27th...just about that time...) ;) our friends, andrew & lisa, invited us out on their boat...and they treated us to a picnic on the beach in cocagne. what a spectacular day (this past saturday!) so while i was taking some family portraits for them...i got Lisa to snag a few of us. :D thank you, lisa!!!! you did a great job!
anyhoo... without further ado... ;) haha. who's excited? ;D
here's our 5x12 for AUGUST.

(photo credit :: stephen budd)
...and here is our 5x12 for SEPTEMBER.

(photo credit :: lisa myers)
here's to being back on track for the rest of 2013! ;D
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