Yep, you read that right. It’s HOLLYHOWEphotography (caps for my name, no spaces) and I am a natural light portrait & wedding photographer in Moncton, New Brunswick.

I love what I do. I’m obsessed with belly laughs, amazing light (golden hour, anyone?) and a quality cup of joe. So thrilled you’re here and checking out my work!

If you like what you see, please email holly@howes.ca or DM me on any of the socials!

Have a fabulous day!


Photo by Molly Ilse Photography
Makeup by Belle by Joëlle

Friday, January 29, 2010

sliding party!

it must have been THE COLDEST DAY ON RECORD. seriously. but it was a beautiful day. and the kids sure had fun! thanks everybody, for coming out to jacob's birthday party! :)))

it's a perfect little hill. big enough that you can get a little thrill coming down, and not too big that the kids are pooped by the time they climb back up!

lynda (aka 'rylee's mom'). it was so great having some of the parents stick around! thanks guys!

jacob loved the crazy carpet!




uncle & hannah.

nicole & willow.

i think sam was getting the hang of it!

hi thaniel!

jacob's new friend, angelina!

shawn's boots.


needless to say, joe slept well that night. ha! isn't he a great daddy?!

then it was time to warm up with hot chocolate & birthday cake! thanks, aunt heather, for making jacob a 'LEGO' birthday cake! he LOVED it! :)))

presents! always mayhem, but what kid doesn't love all this??!

love a wood stove! and colourful mittens!

oh, daniel (aka 'rylee's little brother'). you're adorable! (you'll remember him here). it's about time for a birthday shoot, i think! (lyndaaaaa....calllllllll meeeeeeeeee...) ;)

such a fun afternoon!!! thanks, everyone!!!

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